Project title: Forest for society – Forest without barriers (FOR SOC)
Project number: CBC01013
Recipient: National Forest Centre

Name of the programme area: Cross-border cooperation
Name of the programme outcome: Mitigation of existing barriers to cross-border cooperation

date of commencement of the project: 8/7/2015
The planned project completion date: 30/4/2017

More about project
Project grant 749 804 €
Project´s Co-financing 132 319 €

Total eligible project costs 882 123 €
Project Grant Rate 85,00%

Project grant and each project part consists from contribution of Norwegian Financial Mechanism and Slovak state budget contribution (85%/15%).

Project's time progress

  • 100%
    Project is completed

Current status of the project's indicators

Selected indicators of project results and outcomes
Training of trainers

Persons with increased capacity graduating pilot training of trainers and study tours
Disabled facilities

The number of newly built barrier-free educational facilities for people with disabilities in the forest
Demonstration objects

The number of newly built recreational and adventure demonstration objects for regular visitors
Cross-border events

The number of successful joint cross-border actions and partners events
The length of built and reconstructed hiking trails (km)
Number of people with improved environmental awareness of the findings based on the knowledge questionnaire
Number of people participating in the actions / events or activities organized by the beneficiaries
Number of partners (institutions) involved in the partnership / network of cross-border cooperation
  • Supported by a grant from Norway Co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic